Participation Policy

Approved 11/17/07 

Minimum participation requirements: 

EBHC members need to fulfill at least a minimum number of required participation hours according to their household composition. Participation hours are calculated on a quarterly basis. Quarters begin July 1. October 1, January 1, and April 1. Members and guests are expected to complete a minimum of 18 participation hours per quarter. There are also additional responsibilities for each member, such as taking primary responsibility for the maintenance of the unit they live in, actively participating in the meetings and work parties of at least one committee, and taking on projects at EBHC, such as calling references for new applicants, getting a bid for a project, or “bottom-lining” a work party. 

Members should know their level of participation: 

Members are responsible to know how many participation hours they have completed at any given time, especially at near the end of the quarter. The hours are tracked based on slips turned in, but members are encouraged to keep their own record as well. If it is the end of a quarter and you do not know how many hours you have completed, ask the Membership Committee. Hours completed are generally posted on the community room bulletin board. 

Outcome of under participation: 

If a member fails to complete the minimum number of participation hours in one quarter, they need to make up those missed hours during the next quarter. Participation hours will be read aloud during committee reports at each monthly G.M. meeting, as a check-in. Failure to complete the minimum number of participation hours for two consecutive quarters normally results in termination of membership and eviction. 


Any appeals to not be evicted must be made at the G.M. meeting on the third month of the second quarter of under participation. The standard is that only serious and unforeseen circumstances will be considered, as there should normally be plenty of opportunity during the 6 months to participate. Appropriate justifications might include, as an example, a persistent and serious illness during the last part of the second quarter, a death in the family, or another serious matter that could not be foreseen by the member. 

Rotating Work: 

Rotating Work is a separate requirement from Participation Hours. The first time (month) a member fails to complete their rotating work, they are fined $10 per household. Each subsequent month, the fine increases by $10. For example, if a member misses their rotating work during July, August, and September, they will pay $10 for July, $20 for August, and $30 for September, for a total of $60 for the three months. This intention is not to provide an alternative to doing rotating work, but to encourage active participation. 

ALTERNATIVE: If a member is unable to complete a task, they can independently share trade or pass along work to another member, so the work gets done. 

Fines are added to a fund to spend. 12/1/15